This paper introduces the renovation measures of green lighting and the situation before it was popularized in a concentrating mill of Yunnan tin group. 介绍了云锡集团某选矿厂推广绿色照明前的况状和绿色照明改造措施。
The Application of High Voltage Inverter in Xin Yu Liang Shan Concentrating Mill 高压变频器在新余良山选矿厂的应用
The Recycle and Treatment of Wastewater in Concentrating Mill of Tungstenic Minerals 钨选厂废水的回用和处理
Industrial trial production practice in application of new technology of magnetic separation and flotation to the improvement of production lines of low and medium grade oxide ores at the concentrating mill, Baotou Iron and steel complex 包钢选矿厂中贫氧化矿系列应用磁浮新工艺技术改造工业试生产实践
The Grinding Process Control System Design at Large Concentrating Mill 大型选矿厂磨矿过程控制系统设计
Practice for Stabilizing the Concentrating Indexes and Boosting the Machine-Hour Capacity of Mill 提高磨机台时产量稳定选别指标的实践
According to the characteristics of two development modes in MIS and the requirement from users, a mode mixed by C/ S and B/ S is used to develop an information management system of concentrating mill. 根据MIS系统两种开发模式的特点,针对用户需求,采用了B/S和C/S混合模式,开发了选矿厂管理信息系统。
The Transformation of Lime Cream Supply System of Concentrating Mill at Yongping Copper Mine 永平铜矿选矿厂石灰乳供给系统的改造实践
To counter the existing problems of the lime cream supply system of concentrating mill at Yongping Copper Mine, some relevant modification measures were adopted so as to ensure the normal supply of lime cream, resulting in good effects. 针对永平铜矿选矿厂原石灰乳供给系统存在的问题,采取了相应的改进措施,确保了石灰乳的正常供给,取得了良好的效果。
Calculation and analysis of a concentrating mill's productive capacity 选矿工序能力的计算和分析
There are many classification equipments in concentrating mill. Spiral classifier is only one of classification equipments. 进行分级的设备有很多,螺旋分级机只是其众多设备中的一种。
The structure of Spiral classifier is compact, it is very convenient for operation, and it also can form close circuit with grinding mills. It is widely used in concentrating mill. 螺旋分级机结构紧凑、使用方便、能与磨矿机组成闭路自流,在选厂中仍被广泛使用。
The test site is the number 4 tailings dam, the test materials is the tailings conveying to the tailings dam of Midi, Panzhihua concentrating mill which has been concentrated preliminary. 试验地点为攀钢密地选厂尾矿库4泵站,试验物料为攀钢密地选厂经初步浓缩后排往尾矿库的尾矿浆。